Introduction and contact info:
Name: Hongyi Wei
Work address: TUB
email: hongyi.wei@tu-berlin.de
PhD project:
Title: Experimental investigation of rotating detonation combustors including ignition processes and turbine-integration effects
Short description: To better understand the impact of increasing combustion chamber pressure on RDC operation, including interactions with the turbine, multiplicity of waves, and shock reflections. A ducted, variable outlet will allow for the variation of combustor pressure as well as the turbine inter-stage pressure for the installed turbine proxy
Supervisor: Prof. Myles Bohon and Prof. Christian O. Paschereit
Mentors: Prof. Guillermo Paniagua and Prof. Antonio Andreini
Planned secondments: UP: 4 months and UNIFI: 2 months
I come from China. I majored in Fire Protection Engineering for my undergraduate degree, through which I was well educated on subjects like combustion and thermodynamics. Research in my Master study has led to the publication of seven peer-reviewed papers in international journals such as Fuel which has an impact factor (IF) of 5.55, and Combustion & Flame (IF 4.59). The research process nurtured my ability in using MATLAB, COMSOL and other analysis software, operating synchronous thermal analyzers, Fourier infrared spectrometers and other experimental instruments. I got my second Master's degree which is jointly awarded by China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Montanuniversität Leoben and TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Research highlights:
Poster: Hongyi Wei, Eric Bach, Christian O. Paschereit and Myles Bohon. ” Phase-Averaged Static Pressure Fields Inside a Rotating Detonation Combustor,” IWDP-ICVDCW. August 2022.
Conference paper: Tim Kayser, Hongyi Wei, Eric Bach, Christian O. Paschereit and Myles Bohon. “Experimental Comparison of Different Pressure Gain Measurement Techniques for RDCs,” AIAA 2023-0929. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. January 2023.
Conference paper: Mauro Tagliaferri, Provence Barnouin, Hongyi Wei, Eric Bach, Christian O. Paschereit and Myles Bohon. ” Application of soft-DTW for Time Series Data Averaging Inside a Rotating Detonation Combustor,” AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum. June 2023.
Upcoming conference paper: Hongyi Wei, Eric Bach, Christian O. Paschereit and Myles Bohon. ” Impact of the Nozzle Guide Vanes on the Pressure Fields Inside a Rotating Detonation Combustor,” AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum. January 2024.