ESR 14, Mr. Sreenath Purushothaman, presented a paper titled ‘Performance Modelling of a Pressure Gain Combustion Aircraft Engine’ at the ‘AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2024' conference
19 February 2024
Sreenath Purushothaman, presented a paper titled ‘Performance Modelling of a Pressure Gain Combustion Aircraft Engine’ at the ‘AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2024' conference (Paper No: AIAA 2024-0814), during the session ‘PGC Applications, Integration and Thermal Management', on January 9, 2024. In this paper, the performance of pressure gain combustion in the framework of aircraft propulsion using the in-house simulation tool ‘TRANSEO' is being done. This represents the first step in the system level analysis of the novel & promising technology of PGC in aerospace propulsion domain. The work comprises of developing modelling strategy for an aircraft engine in 100 kN thrust class & its validation, design of a simple PGC based propulsion engine layout, and the design-point performance prediction of this layout. This research activity was conducted at TPG UNIGE with Prof Alessandro Sorce, Prof Alberto Traverso, Dr Thomas GAILLARD and Dr Dmitry Davidenko