Introduction and contact info:
Name: Provence Barnouin
Work address: Technische Universität Berlin
PhD project:
Title: Control and impact of RDC wave direction
Ms. Barnouin is investigating the physics of detonation waves in rotating detonation engines (RDEs). RDEs have the potential to yield higher efficiencies and thrust to weight ratios with fewer parts than current engines.
Before RDEs can be implemented in aircrafts and rockets, significant challenges must be overcome such as stabilizing the combustion modes during operation. To address this challenge, Ms. Barnouin is experimentally investigating the factors that control the operational modes of RDEs. She is performing tunable laser diode absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) in different RDE geometries to gain insight on wave dynamics. This research will contribute to an increased understanding of mode stabilization and mode transition mechanisms for future implementation in propulsive and power generating systems.
Supervisors: Prof. Myles Bohon and Prof. Christian O. Paschereit
Mentor: Prof. Ephraim Gutmark
Planned secondments: University of Cincinnati, 6 months
2021 Amelia Earhart International Fellow
Master of Research in Future Power and Propulsion, University of Cambridge, UK. 2019- 2020
Double B.A. in Applied Mathematics and Russian, Columbia University, USA. 2015-2019
Undergraduate Science Research Fellow, Columbia University, 2015-2019
Personal interests:
Outside of her studies, Ms. Barnouin is a university ice hockey and soccer goalkeeper. She participates in many mentoring initiatives to inspire girls, especially from low-income backgrounds, to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).